Last week in Westminster, the Victims and Prisoners Bill was taken to Parliament for its second reading. This vital piece of legislation will ensure that victims of crime are central to our justice system. The provisions of the Bill would include:
Enshrining the key principles of the Victims’ Code into law. This would legally require criminal justice bodies, including the CPS and the police, to monitor their compliance with this important document which sets out the support that victims of crime are entitled to receive.
Empowering Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) to review compliance data in their police force area to determine how victims are being served and drive up standards where necessary.
Providing the Justice Secretary with the power to appoint public advocates to support bereaved families and victims of major incidents.
Making several reforms to the parole system and Parole Board proceedings. This includes proposals to provide the Justice Secretary with powers to veto a decision by the board to release certain individuals that fall into a ‘top-tier’ of serious cases.